Friday, November 19, 2010

Benefit Auction Tips for Success - Let's talk about ITEMS

Let's address items.....ok, folks, give this some thought - seriously!  Why would you go out and procure things you, yourself wouldn't bid on?  Also, remember thisis NOT a garage sale.  Spend your energy on stuff that is really desireable, not just stuff to fill the space up.   You have limited silent auction space, use it wisely.  Tangible stuff sells much better than gift certificates.  Silent Auctions are for shopping, so remember they need to look inviting and desireable.   Let's focus today on your Silent Auction tangible items.

How many items?   You want to create a SELLERS market, not a Buyers market.  Less is more!   If you have 200 guests coming, and the majority are couples, you really have 100 bidding units spending money.   Do NOT have more than 100 silent auction items, create a competitive environment !!!!  The other huge bonus you have now created is that each item will have much more display space allotted to it now.   GREAT.

Tangible = a "thing" not a gift certificate.   Allow it sufficient display space (shopping at the "rack" vs a high end boutique).   Make it something your guests WANT.   iPad, Kindle,  3 lovely bottles of high-end wines grouped together (perhaps a vertical), even the brown paper bag full of "adults only" items......that does tend to create lots of talk and interest!   If your event is in the spring think garden colors, patio planters with plants, etc.  We are typically desparate for spring to come, we can't wait to buy!  Gift Baskets of really fun things:  martini basket, cigar & scotch lovers goodies, Red Wine & Chocolates.......again, if this makes you say "Oh Yeah!"...that's the trick.    Remember, even if you are putting on an auction for your school, this is SHOPPING, and it is the adults doing the stuff won't sell nearly as well as goodies that you and I want!   Trendy stuff sells better than boring more common things.  Jewelry?  Ugh, unless it is trendy forget it.   You are trying to appeal to LOTS of bidders, so they will compete against each other, not appeal to only 3-4.

LOTS more about your silent auction later, must go sell fun auction items now ~

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